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Cusco (Cuzco or Cusco in Spanish, or in Quechua Qosqo Qusqu) is a city located in southeastern Huatanay Valley or Sacred Valley of the Incas in the Andes, with a population of 300,000 inhabitants. It is the capital of the department of Cusco and the province of Cusco.
Cusco is a very high city (3400 meters in altitude). His name means “navel” in Quechua language. It was the most important administrative and cultural center of the Tawantinsuyo, or Inca Empire. Legends attribute the founding of Cusco to the Inca Manco Capac XI or XII century. The granite walls of the Inca palace are still there, as well as landmarks such as the Korikancha, or Temple of the Sun.
After the end of the empire in 1532, the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro, invaded and sacked the city. Most of the buildings were razed by the Incas Catholic clergy with the dual aim of destroying the Inca civilization and build with bricks and stones of the new Christian churches and other administrative buildings of the rulers, thereby imposing its alleged European superiority.
Most buildings built after the conquest are of Spanish influence with a mix of Inca architecture, including the church of Santa Clara and San Blas. Often, Spanish buildings are juxtaposed on the massive stone walls built by the Incas.
Interestingly, the great earthquake of 1950, destroying a building of the Dominican Fathers, stated that this had been built over the Temple of the Sun, which curiously resisted firmly the earthquake.
This would have been the second time that construction of the Dominicans had been destroyed, and the first time out in 1650 when the Spanish construction was very different.
Other examples of Inca architecture are: the fortress of Machu Picchu which is at the end of the Inca Road, Ollantaytambo fortress and the fortress of Sacsayhuaman which is approximately two kilometers from Cusco.
The surrounding area, located in the valley of Huatanay has a strong agriculture with the cultivation of corn, barley, quinoa, tea and coffee, and gold mining.

>>Movie: The Emperor’s New Groove 

Machu Picchu (maybe on jan/2016)

Machu Picchu (in Quechua Machu Pikchu, “old mountain”), also called “Lost City of the Incas”, is a city well-preserved pre-Columbian, located atop a mountain, 2,400 meters in the valley Urubamba river, Peru current. It was built in the fifteenth century under the orders of Pachacuti. The site is probably the most typical symbol of the Inca Empire, either because of their unique location and geological characteristics, either due to its late discovery in 1911. Only about 30% of the city’s original construction, the rest was rebuilt. The reconstructed areas are easily recognized by the fit between the stones. The original building is made up of larger stones, and fittings with little space between the rocks.
It consists of two main areas: the agricultural terraces and consists mainly of food storage enclosures, and the other urban, which stresses the sacred area with temples, squares and royal tombs.
The layout of the buildings, the excellence of the work and the large number of agricultural terraces are impressive, highlighting the large capacity of that society. In the mountains, temples, houses and cemeteries are distributed in an organized fashion, opening roads and enjoying the space with staircases. According to Inca history, all designed for the passage of the sun god. The place was elevated to the world heritage of UNESCO, has been the subject of concern due to interaction with tourism as one of the most visited historical sites in Peru.
There are several theories about the function of Machu Picchu, and most states accept a settlement that was built with the purpose of supervising the economy of the conquered regions and the secret purpose of the refuge Inca ruler and his closest entourage, in case of attack.
By human work and the geographic location, Machu Picchu is considered World Heritage by UNESCO.

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Chicama, Peru

Trujillo, Peru TREM


Lima is the capital of Peru as well as its largest and most populous city. Located on the central coast of Peru, the margins of the Pacific Ocean, where it forms an urban area is still known asthe Lima Metropolitan Area, which extends over the river valleys Chillon, Rimac and Lurín within the provinces of Lima, headquarters, and Callao.
Its foundation was Hispanic January 18, 1535, as the City of Kings.It became the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru during the Spanish regime and after independence became the capital of Peru.
According to the 2007 census, the metropolitan area of Lima has about 8.5 million people – more than 7.6 million are residents of the Province of Lima, representing approximately 30% of the Peruvian population, by the largest metropolis of Peru, as well as the fifthmost populous in Latin America and one of the 30 largestmetropolitan areas in the world.
Evidence of the city’s development in recent times is the ranking of the magazine América Economía, in which Lima appears as one of the 50 best cities for doing business in Latin America in 2009, ahead of Brasilia, San Salvador, Caracas and La Paz. The constant growth of Lima trying to establish itself as one of the major cities has not gone unnoticed. In 2008, the World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) of the United Kingdom, included the city name on a list of cities ranked by their economic, cultural, political and historical heritage. The city was classified in the same category of other metropolitan areas in the world of great prominence, such as Miami, Bangalore, Boston, Cairo, Copenhagen and Berlin, and the city was above others as Kiev, Houston, Beirut and Karachi.


>>Hostels in Lima: