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CAE ou Toefl:


























DSC_0764Paranapiacaba is a district of the municipality of Santo André in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. It is located approximately 61 kilometres (38 mi) by road southeast of the centre of the city of São Paulo, and about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) east of Rio Grande da Serra. The word paranapiacaba means “where you will find the sea” in Tupi. There are about 1,200 residents.

Paranapiacaba was established as a company town for the employees of São Paulo Railway, a privately owned British railway company. A large industrial complex, which the district is known for, lies off the main road from Rio Grande da Serra, on the way into the main village. The growth of this centre was facilitated by the railway, transporting cargo and people from inside Paulista to the port of Santos. The village design has been characterized as being panoptic.

DSC_0769Vila de Paranapiacaba was established during the middle of the 19th century; it was designed by Jeremy Bentham according to a prison model style. It was founded by the British-owned São Paulo Railway Company. The construction of this zig-zag railway line in the hilly local terrain was considered a feat by the British engineers and workers at the time. The town was built when the company built the railway line to export coffee beans from the area through the port Santos. The village prospered for 30 years, until automated machinery replaced the funicular, which was labor-intensive. The village’s population suddenly declined and many of its buildings were abandoned. At one time, there were 4,000 workers, most of them British citizens. The last steam train in Paranapiacaba was deactivated for labor work in 1982.

Paranapiacaba was designed in a prison model style. Because of its remoteness, the town has been well preserved. The buildings were all of English style (even the large homes were of Victorian style) built with wood and bricks. The houses in the town are all made of timber and looks like a mofussil area of Surrey. The town was laid out in the 1890s in a grid pattern. Even though Brazil attained independence in 1822, its architectural styles were influenced by Portuguese colonizers and by the British. The town is stated as having more English architecture than perhaps anywhere else in the country.

DSC_0788The District of Paranapiacaba is known for its large industrial complex, which lies off the main road from Rio Grande da Serra, on the way into the main village, but is actually nearer Rio Grande da Serra. The growth of this industrial centre was facilitated by the railway, transporting goods to the port of Santos. The railway station’s clock tower is based on Big Ben in London. The locomotive stations, old British carriages and steam engines, cable station (funicular type), and workers’ cottages are all well preserved and form part of the museum which is open to the public.

DSC_0778On the hill top above the village is the old Victorian style Castilino, which was once the residence of the Chief Engineer of the Railways, is now a museum known as the Centro Preservacao da Historia de Paranpiacaba, where old railway line maps and photographs are displayed. The museum has elegant furnishings and provides views of its surroundings. In the 1980s, a working steam engine from the turn of the 20th century ran several times a day, originally used to pull inclined trains from the coast. Visitors can view the working parts and watch them while the engine is running. Recivitas (Instituto pela Revitalização da Cidadania) created a free toy center and library here. The Funicular de Paranapiacaba railway museum was established in 1970, and today is one of the biggest attractions in the district. The Clube União Lira Serrano is also of note, and was founded in 1930 as a social club for the railway operators. The parish church, Capela do Alto da Serra or Igreja matriz de Paranapiacaba, opened for the first time on August 8, 1884.

DSC_0834In order to preserve the heritage status of Paranapiacaba as a well preserved railway town, the government of Brazil decreed it to be a historic district and initiated further steps to preserve its heritage status and encourage its development as a suburb of São Paulo and to promote tourism. The objective of this project is to preserve the natural, cultural, and industrial heritage and ensure economic progress of the town in particular and the region as a whole.

The site was included in the 2000 and 2002 World Monuments Watch (WMW) by the World Monuments Fund, calling for investments to revitalize the village. With funding from American Express the Fund helped local stakeholders implement this effort. By 2008, the conservation efforts of the WMW team were successful in restoring Casa Fox (the Archive), the Castelinho (now a museum), the Lyra Serrano Club, and the Old Market. Further restoration works are continuing. The town has witnessed a dramatic change in its environment with much improved facilities also resulting in economic progress of the area.

Website: http://www.paranapiacabaecotur.com/

Study and work!

Essa modalidade de programa sempre foi e continua sendo muito procurado por jovens brasileiros, de estudar no exterior e poder trabalhar legalmente!

Antes de mais nada, é importante dizer que não são todos os países que tem esse tipo de abertura para os intercambistas brasileiros, portanto é essencial saber certinho em que terreno está pisando para evitar qualquer tipo de problema.

Hoje em dia Austrália, Irlanda, Canadá e Nova Zelândia são basicamente os únicos países que permitem que o estudante brasileiro consiga trabalhar para poder se manter no país. Isso é muito legal não somente pela questão financeira mas também pela questão do aprendizado do idioma. Você usará palavras e expressões diferentes do que usa no dia-a-dia e também irá praticar o que acabou de aprender na escola.

*O programa é oferecido em parceria com a Just Intercâmbio.

O perfil do intercambista que participa deste programa varia bastante. Talvez você tenha terminado o ensino médio, prestou o vestibular mas não passou e decidiu encarar o “bicho de sete cabeças” que é aprender um idioma estrangeiro. Talvez você já esteja na faculdade e percebeu que as oportunidades que se apresentam no futuro próximo (sejam de estágio ou mesmo vaga efetiva) esperam que você tenha – além do domínio em pelo menos uma língua estrangeira – que tenha também a experiência internacional. Ou então você é um profissional já colocado no mercado de trabalho mas também percebeu que se quiser sonhar com avanço na carreira precisa urgentemente dessa experiência internacional. Qualquer que seja o seu caso, a necessidade de trabalhar e ter a possibilidade de se sustentar enquanto estiver no exterior é exatamente o objetivo do programa de estudo + trabalho.

Vale lembrar que geralmente o intercambista não sairá do Brasil com vaga de trabalho definido ou mesmo que a escola fará a sua colocação de trabalho assim que chegar lá. O que ocorre é que você terá em seu visto a permissão para trabalhar legalmente. Em outras palavras, a colocação dependerá de seu esforço. As escolas ajudam, orientam, aconselham e dão todo o suporte mas não garantem ou se responsabilizam.

Dos países citados acima, em todos você poderá estudar e trabalhar ao mesmo tempo. O único que tem regra diferente é o Canadá. Lá você poderá fazer 50% de cada, ou seja, se programar para 6 meses, poderá inicialmente estudar 3 meses e após esse período poderá trabalhar no máximo por mais 3 meses (com algumas exceções que não necessariamente dividem o programa em 50% estudo e 50% trabalho).

Para esse tipo de programa, o intercambista deve se planejar para ficar um tempo um pouco maior, pois tirando a Austrália, que já permite que o brasileiro trabalhe com matriculas a partir de 14 semanas, os outros países exigem permanência mínima de aproximadamente 6 meses. Vale como dica que geralmente esses trabalhos acontecem em restaurantes, cafés, lojas de departamento, hotéis, estádios de esportes etc. Portanto não é comum você trabalhar em sua área de atuação aqui do Brasil. A experiência no exterior e o aprendizado da língua, no entanto, compensam demais.

australia-2yvlsb03l0xd5b3tlncuf4Austrália: Basta matricular-se em um curso com duração mínima de 14 semanas e você receberá a permissão para trabalhar 20 horas semanais durante a validade do seu visto de estudante. O curso tem que ter no mínimo 20 horas semanais de aulas.

canada-2yvlsar1wfuzl7m2twzj7kCanadá: Para ter a permissão de trabalho é necessário matricular-se em um curso específico, onde o trabalho faça parte do seu programa de estudos. Você precisa ter conhecimento intermediário do inglês no ato da matricula.

irlanda_-2yvlsb03l0xd5b3tlncuf4Irlanda: Você pode matricular-se para o programa de ano acadêmico que consiste em 25 semanas de aula e 25 semanas de férias podendo trabalhar 20 horas semanais durante seus estudos e até 40 horas semanais durante suas férias, que são opcionais. Ou seja, você escolhe: 06 meses ou 1 ano na Irlanda!
Não é necessário tirar nenhum visto antes da viagem. Chegando à Irlanda você receberá um carimbo (visto) válido por um mês, que é o tempo que você terá para tirar o seu visto GNIB (visto definitivo com duração total do seu curso). Fique ligado, pois o país faz algumas exigências em relação a seguro saúde e comprovação finaceira para obter o visto. Fale com a Student-Network e saiba mais.
Geralmente a duração mínima desse programa é de 24 semanas e algumas escolas ainda garantem as entrevistas de emprego! Consulte as modalidades e condições das opções disponíveis.

novazelandia-2yvlsar1wfuzl7m2twzj7kNova Zelândia: É possível solicitar sua permissão de trabalho junto com o seu visto de estudante, porém é preciso estar matriculado em um curso de inglês de período integral (20 horas semanais) com duração mínima de 06 meses e apresentar o teste de proficiência IELTS com resultado de no mínimo 5.0. Dessa maneira, o estudante poderá trabalhar 20 horas semanais durante sua estadia.



Inglês em Londres + Tour em Paris

eye 18 dias de diversão e estudos com embarque em 11/07/15

London South Bank Walk, Palácio de Buckingham, Natural History  Museum, Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio, London Eye, Torre Eiffel,  Museu do Louvre, Arco do Triunfo. E MUITOS MAIS: Camden Market,  Regents Park, Kingston, Thames Cruise with Disco, Hampton Court,  British Museum, Hyde Park, Royal Walk, Place de la Concorde, Champs  Elysées, Place du Tertre, Catedral de Notre Dame, Oxford College and  Castle Tour.

Veja o que está incluso:

Museu-do-Louvre15 horas semanais de inglês na LAL (http://www.lalschools.com/en) para alunos de 13 a 17 anos, com qualquer nível do idioma; acomodação individual em dormitório estudantil dentro do câmpus universitário, com todas as refeições; todos os passeios* e atividades, com acompanhamento de monitor; seguro médico; certificado.

Total do pacote GBP 2.755,00 + R$350,00 taxa administrativa, parcelas à partir R$463,00**.



Espanhol e Diversão no Chile

jusEmbarque em 27/06/2015

Chegada ao Brasil 05/07/2015

Veja o que o pacote inclui: *1 semana de espanhol na TANDEM SANTIAGO (http://www.tandemsantiago.cl/cursos-espanhol-chile/), para alunos de 13 a 17 anos, com qualquer nível de conhecimento do idioma; *acomodação em albergue estudantil, com café da manhã; *todos os passeios do grupo, com acompanhamento de monitor; certificado de conclusão.

Passeios: centros de ski Valle Nevado e El Colorado; Feira de artesanato chileno; Museu interativo Mirador (MIM: http://www.mim.cl/); Parque Natural Águas de Ramón (http://www.asociacionparquecordillera.cl/parque/parque-aguas-de-ramon/); Vina del Mar e Valparaíso; City Tour em Santiago.

Por apenas US$ 797,70* +350 reais taxa administrativa, parcelas a partir de 86 reais



Branson (Missouri) – DigiPhoto

TRANS-BransonStrip-01-GALDigiphoto Entertainment Imaging (DEI) is the leading souvenir imaging provider to theme parks, water parks, resorts and leisure attractions. DEI serves as an ‘exclusive operating partner’ providing end-to-end infrastructure for imaging solutions. Our aim is to help attractions provide memorable keepsakes whilst growing imaging revenue. Our presence spans across UAE, USA, Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Kuwait and Maldives. With over 2,500 trained professionals working in more than 300 partner sites worldwide, we ensure exceptional guest service.

The Galt House Hotel – Louisville, KY

TRANS-BransonStrip-01-GALThe Galt House Hotel is a name long associated with gracious hospitality and Southern style. In the early 1800s, the original Galt House was a residence owned by Dr. W.C. Galt. In 1835, a 60-room hotel was opened as the Galt House and was located across the street from the residence at the northeast corner of First and Main. Some notable visitors include Stephen Douglas, Edwin Booth, Charles Dickens, P.T. Barnum, Tom Thumb, and presidents Lincoln, Grant, Taylor, Hayes and Buchanan. In 1864, generals Grant and Sherman planned their military strategies at the Galt House. This strategy led to the capture of Atlanta. In 1865, the hotel was destroyed by fire, but within weeks, noted architect R. Whitestone began plans and construction a block away from the original site, at First and Main. The project cost $1.5 million, an extraordinary sum considering the country was still recovering from the Civil War. The new Galt, which opened in 1869, featured eight steel beams weighing 118,000 pounds that supported its second floor Grand Ballroom. The guest list of the new Galt featured such notables as Sarah Bernhardt, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, President Theodore Roosevelt, Diamond Jim Brady, President Chester A. Arthur, Lillian Russell, President Millard Fillmore and President William Howard Taft.

website: http://www.galthouse.com/

Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort and Spa – Gatlinburg, TN


Westgate Resorts, which has established a level of expertise in resort  sales, marketing and operations unmatched throughout the hospitality  industry, is always seeking talented, motivated and creative individuals to  become part of our ever-growing team. With 28 full-service resorts in  premiere destinations throughout the United States, Westgate Resorts  provides a variety of exciting and rewarding career opportunities.

Website: https://westgatedestinations.com/tennessee/gatlinburg/westgate-smoky-mountain-resort


Winn-Dixie – several cities

???????? In the moment I am working in a tourism agency and their focus is on work & travel. One of the destinations is called Winn-Dixie. Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. is a subsidiary of Bi-Lo Holdings, which is the fifth-largest conventional supermarket in the United States based on store count. Founded in 1925, Winn-Dixie employs more than 50,000 associates who serve customers in 524 grocery stores and 397 in-store pharmacies throughout the five southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.

Winn-Dixie has a dynamic history of a strong work ethics and determination to succeed. Learning from our history and using that perspective has shown us what the power of teamwork can accomplish. Thanks to the efforts of thousands of Winn-Dixie associates, we are ready to meet the demands of an intensely competitive marketplace with a fresh focus and renewed spirit of service to our customers.

Old Bahia Honda Bridge, Bahia Honda State Park, Big Pine Key, Florida Keys, Florida USA

Big Pine Key

In the agency we offer locations as Big Pine Key, Key West, Marathon and Tavernier.

Website with more information:



Embassy Suites Louisville

Louisville_SkylineIn the moment I am working in a tourism agency and their focus is on work & travel. One of the destinations is called Embassy Suites Louisville. The Embassy Suites Hotels anticipate travelers’ needs and deliver what matters most. All of their guests are welcomed with a two-room suite, free made-to-order breakfast each morning, and complimentary drinks and snacks for two hours every night. They’re delighted to welcome you in over 200 unique locations, so stay with them and go experience all Embassy Suites has to offer.

Louisville is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 28th most populous city in the United States. It is one of two cities in Kentucky designated as first-class, with the other being the state’s second-largest city of Lexington. Louisville is the historical seat and, since 2003, the nominal seat of Jefferson County.

Website with more information:
